Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I Should Write the Good Stuff Too, Huh?

The last week and a half have been really good. I don't know why we had that awful patch there for a few days.

I did talk to Thelly about whether this was really a road he wanted to go down again (as in the out of control tantrums for hours every day-road). We discussed the fact that he has a choice when he can tell he is getting upset to let those feeling escalate or get them back under control. We talked about the things he can do including praying and asking Heavenly Father for help.

It's possible that the conversation helped. There have been a few times when he has started to get agitated and he seems to make a conscious choice to relax. But then again, it could be an entirely random or drug induced mellow phase. I truly don't know. But I'm very, very happy about it.

Here are some other encouraging signs-as if the lack of blood drawing fits weren't good enough all on it's own.

Math is going well. He improves every day and chooses to do math over any other subject.

I've noticed him making an effort to join in conversations with other kids and adults. He has also started asking questions again which is something he used to do but I thought it lessened with the medications and I'm glad to see it return since it's a part of his personality.

But mostly I was impressed when he used a screw driver to remove the broken remnants of Monkey's chain guard from his bike. I had nothing to do with that whatsoever. He saw the problem, recognized the tool he needed to fix it, found the tool, used the tool and (of course) put the tool away when he was done using it. For that he got out of doing any more school work for the rest of the day. Which wasn't as extreme as it sounds since it was 3:30 pm when he told me what he had done. But I was grateful for an excuse to stop trying to get him to do work he wasn't going to do anyway. And he was grateful that I stopped trying to make him do work that he wasn't going to do anyway. So it was a reward well received.


  1. Good for him. (And you.)

    When my younger son was 2, I installed Tot Locks on all the cabinets to keep him from getting into stuff, and he got out his dad's screwdriver and started to try to unscrew the screws--he didn't quite have the motor control he needed, but he definitely had the concept down.

  2. Hooray for forward progress! I am so glad!
